Find our updates here from Portugal. Career built around games is not a dream!
Lusòfona educates New Erasmus Mundus awaits you: Lusòfona shares How to use analogue games to develop (MOOC): Autism and safety in the digital space (multilingual pedagogical resources): Lusòfona innovates Global Innovation Challenge that enables: Lusòfona cares It is never too late to be included: Researchers Promote Accessible Resources:
Hello! Welcome to this summer update!
Innovaform Accomplishes... … and shares news about Go Digital Go Global KA2 project focusing on remote work … gives insight how an ESC idea can grow and blossom Innovaform show solidarity … and launches another KA2 this time with a stress of entrepreneurial skills of refugees Innovaform keeps playing and mentoring … youth initiatives are in the very core of our heart, supporting great ideas and minds. Insights to the LiveGames in action: and something more about playful volunteering: what is more, this time we are also tapping into theater and a different kind of play. More to come. If you have an idea - be brave to reach us! :D As we are moving forward, we are excited to share some of the upcoming initiatives and events that you can look forward to incoming months so stay connected with us!
1) ESC - youth-led local activities The LiveGames Solidarity Project aims to run board game events that bring people together, entertain and also teach them. Overall, we would like to provide opportunities for community activities and develop participants with playing focusing our events around crucial skills such as the 4C (creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication) while enjoying a cup of Chines tea and bonding better together. With EcoRadio our aim is to create a channel that connects our advertising studios with ecological practices and lifestyles, to promote critical awareness, sustainable habits and environmental regeneration in the process. A transmedia radio where we can participate and unite visions with which we can learn to take better care of nature and build communities of care around it. 2) TC - games for change training series SDGames will be a 6-days TC taking place in Alicante from the 8th to the 13th of January 2024. It will involve 24 participants from 6 European countries (Spain, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Bulgaria and Portugal). SDGames was specifically built to focus on the design process of serious games, which are at the intersection of learning, games, and simulation. They not only have a social dimension, but also boost active citizenship via problem based-learning, while impacting player attitudes and behaviors as learning through play supports overall healthy development, and acquisition of both content and learning-to-learn skills. Corresponding the above our TC has a dual goal allowing its participants to explore the possible applications of games in the field of civic education and to get familiar with GDP as a development tool for engaging with SDGs in order to be able to contribute to the development of know-how for thoughtful, human-centered and creative gamification solutions and eco-social actions. "Empowering Action: Exploring the Transformative Power of LARP for Activism and Participation” is intended to be a 6-days training course, which will take place in Alicante, from the 24th to the 30th of November 2023. It will involve 24 participants and 2 trainers, plus local support personnel coming from 6 different European countries (Spain, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Slovenia and Germany). The main aim of the project is to provide a platform for youth workers to develop their knowledge and skills in using LARP as a tool for youth empowerment and activism. The project aims to equip youth workers with the tools and techniques necessary to engage young people in activities that promote their participation in social and political decision-making, foster their personal and social development, and empower them to become active agents of social change. 3) KA2 - Strategic Cooperations The GreenLab Strategic Cooperations aims the development of green competences through innovative learning opportunities taking into account both rural and urban regions. The green transition is a wicked challenge which requires transversal skills to navigate. Therefore, we address complex such skills needed to deal with wicked problems by the means of transformative education. We map, act, assess and connect to go beyond ‘sustainable’ towards regenerative competences in order to move from crisis to action and lifelong learning in a multidisciplinary team and empowered active learners! This KA2 collaboration aims to further develop Mapa (\mekiplay), which is a GPS webapp that aims to increase citizen participation as well as local community creation around the need of taking better care of our closest natural environments. To do so, Mapa wants to help re-establishing a relationship between nature and humans by creating a virtual common space to give visibility to degraded environments, to share knowledge about plants, stories about the land, games to regenerate our senses, to give visibility to local sustainable business and local inclusive collectives. From this virtual space, we step into reality and walk together toward nature with curious and caring eyes. Dear travel companions, Ending of YfY doesn’t mean that we are finishing our non-formal educational quests. If you got interested in YfY project and would like to spread a word about power of GBL we have presentation for you! Our project was created by 6 organisations, but what we have achieved wouldn’t be possible without our associates! Special thanks to those less visible backseat gamers for their ongoing support on each step of our adventure. “I like to think of games as that key-shaped thing. Almost everyone has a key, or several keys, or has seen one at some time and can imagine it. In the game every action has an author or several authors. It is signed in handwriting, even if it is very small and almost illegible. It is inertia that leads the action to repetition, to mimesis based on memory. But in the end no action, no gesture is identical to the next. There are small variations, small modes or gaps in the framework. Between stitch and stitch the space is relativised. Some leave little strands of tousled thread between the lines of direction. Each adventurous hair also has its shape, dimension and color.” This post we would like to start with the quote of one of the participants from YfY’s multiplier event that summed up their experience with GBL. We shared our project results and game design experiences during 6 local events. Below you can get a sneak peek and check what you missed :) Name of the event: “Juegos , Educación y Empoderamiento”. Date: 20-21/01/23, Murcia, Spain The event targeted educators and actors from creative fields (participatory artists, designers, curators and museum staff) engaged in non-formal education and related their practice with pedagogical GDP activities and approaches. The event was focused on sharing the Youth for Youth project results in a participatory and engaging way to provide participants with a meaningful experience that could encourage them to transfer YFY outputs into their educational work realities. Name of the event: "Gry z Bullerbyn!" - complementary events Date: 20-21 and 23-24/02/2023, Poland The event's main message was that the process of creating games can be a multidimensional development tool when working with young people. We wanted to encourage pedagogues and educators to use GBL to enable the development of competences: Soft Skills, Entrepreneurship and Active Citizenship. The event was organized to inspire, share tools and teach practical skills to participants, so they can start their adventure with creating games, in particular the so-called serious games. Name of the event: "Jogos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável" Date: 1-2/02/2023, Portugal Main aim of the event was to disseminate the results of the YFY project and promote knowledge about game-based learning across a broad spectrum with a focus on its relevance to sustainable development and young people. Additionally, we wanted to establish partnerships with different partners in the community as well as create synergies with formal education. Name of the event: "Action for Sustainability" ("Aktion Verdensmå") Date: 11-13/01/2023, Denmark The aim of the event was to inspire and support teams of teachers and pedagogues in developing engaging and interdisciplinary learning projects (1-3 weeks), where the pupils develop learning games and game inspired solutions focusing on one or several of the 17 SDGs and to share and validate the intellectual outputs and provide visibility to the project. "Action for Sustainability was an inspiring action learning workshop with very competent facilitators, who convey their knowledge and experience in an engaging and innovative way. Fantastic creative "out of the box" activities and resources that contribute to making didactics innovative and playful. Nice to be a student again and return to school happy with a suitcase full of new knowledge, creative methods, and good experiences.” Katja Bondebjerg, teacher, Kobberbakkeskolen, Næstved Municipality, Denmark Name of the event: "Motiváció JátszóTér - Társasjátékfejlesztő kihívás" Date: 10th Dec 2022, Hungary "Playground" was an interactive event providing insights to the world of game development and the YfY project in order to make our results more accessible via hands-on practical experience and educator challenges to recreate the pilot in small scale, targeting in particular after school facilities. Participants overall were invited to challenge themselves to realize their own ideas and explore how they facilitate others in similar processes. We shared, we played and had fun… Link: Name of the event: Game On! Youth 4 Youth si racconta
Date: 17–18 th Dec, 2022, Italy The main aim of the event was to disseminate the results of the Youth for Youth project while, at the same time, creating an opportunity for networking at the local level targeting professionals and volunteers from the area of Viterbo who share an interest for games, game based learning, empowerment and social and civic engagement. The event took place in the space of the local game club run by our associated partner La Tana degli Orchi in a very informal setting and surrounded by the very own protagonists of the initiative: games. Not only were our outputs showcased, but also participants could take part in play testing and creative exercises built around serious games. All together we not only realised, but lived that games can really be a gateway to raising awareness around social issues and enhancing participation. Link: Time to release our final project results Toolkit and the Facilitator Cards set! These last two outputs are directly related and aim to provide youth workers and educators with useful game development-related practices, easy to implement activities. The Power of Games toolkit gathers the knowledge and experiences accumulated throughout the game development pilots and allows readers to discover how to integrate specifically game development processes in their facilitation practice, using it as a conscious development tool. It is also complemented with IO5, our set of Facilitator Card that focus on the different phases of the game development process and the mentorship pillars identified, such as active citizenship, entrepreneurship and soft skills. Find in them all the resources you need to empower the use of games as a deeply change-making experience into your educational practice. Meet with us and discover the potential on application of games to facilitate global and local changes!
𝗔 𝗪𝗘𝗕𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗥… 𝗢𝗡 𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧? The YFY webinars aim to deepen the subjects at the core mission and share direct experience from the field. And this particular issue targets curious educators and practitioners to engage in exchange on their particular challenges and invites participants to jointly map two subjects such as: 1. Innovative application of games/ game-based approaches 2. Dealing with local vs. global challenges via games (UN Sustainable Development Goals) The sessions are planned to be interactive and based on the exchange of participants. In addition, we will also celebrate our results and give you updates on our coming international trainings! 𝗪𝗛𝗢 𝗪𝗜𝗟𝗟 G𝗨𝗜𝗗𝗘? -> CICANT LAB ( - social innovation | research | games -> COOPERATIVA SOCIALE MUOVIMENTE ( - storytelling | volunteering | education -> FUNDACJA BULLERBYN ( - alternative education | empowerment | humanistic pedagogy -> LA TRANS EDUCATIVA ( - visual literacy | creativity | game design 𝗛𝗢𝗪 𝗧𝗢 𝗝𝗢𝗜𝗡? The webinar will take place on Zoom. If you would like to attend, please fill in our registration form through the following link: Registration will close on Monday, 27th of February at 17:00 CET. ![]() Hi there, Although it had been an exciting journey, we are reaching to its end hand-in-hand. To accompany you with the last touches find our closing ESC Mentorship Booklet. This issue will lead us to practical matters such as: -> crafting plans how to actually manage IMPLEMENTATION and -> enhancing the IMPACT that one can reach with their projects. Throughout the activities, you will observe closely what you will exactly need for successful implementation and how you could take measures to evaluate and plan the potential impact that you would like to realise with your team. We trust you will do it and that you can make it to this coming deadline that is just around the corner:) The clocking is ticking and we have your ticket to! At the begging of January we had our last Transnational Meeting in Murcia, Spain. We dedicated this time to share our learnings and the growth of our own organisations during the process. We summed up personal and collective journeys during the project and reflected on the management effectiveness, the dissemination and support provided. The whole YfY project was described as:
REWARDING "The opportunity to master our game design skills by the knowledge and research time that the project provided. Now we are proud to say that we are game developers and our identity and work scope has completely been transformed by this project, providing us with a niche and a vision for the future of our educational projects." "Project has positive impact for promoting sustainability, encouraging the development of innovative research method. Meeting other cultures, working together in person." "The model of coordination of the leading organization was objectively remarkable, there was constant work to ensure the best out of every reality, situation and partner was really inspiring." INNOVATIVE "Very inspiring process considering the freedom of implementation that allows adaptation to the different local contexts." "Game Design Process involving social causes - very practical, solution-oriented. Use of board games as a tool for promoting sustainable development, its action-research methodology, and its collaborative approach involving multiple stakeholders." "Youth-led approach, giving young people a voice in decision-making and encouraging them to take ownership of the project's initiatives." CONNECTED TO YOUTH "Organizations got more closely connected with youth and local communities. Youth were thrilled with the idea of getting to the other side, becoming game architects. Most of them had never been abroad. Overall, they got greatly inspired and experienced working in teams to try to resolve social issues. Some even started to pursue careers in the field of Game Development. There is a sense of belonging and shared responsibility developed for sustainable development." FUTURE ORIENTED "We are planning to promote our game at congresses and conferences about educational transformation and bonding the process even more with local challenges." "We will create an educators group in order to ensure that the outputs reach the classrooms." "We are interested to work with the method and in general with the programme. Deliver sessions on recreating the pilot process and working with youth using games." "GDP was established as one of project methods during social project workshops and will be continued. Game Workshop established in the school will still roll." ![]() Hi there, We hope you have been enjoying this journey so far…. the time has come to present you the next issue of our ESC Mentorship Booklet that has two explorational paths that you could choose from: The Group Path focuses on team construction: -> Interests -> Skills -> Values -> Dreams The Project Path focuses on exploring the challenge: -> Problem -> Audience -> Impact -> Steps At the cross-road you are free to choose in which order you take these paths, but overall both will be important as answering them will help you to build the backbone of your application. First, but major steps of a meaningful journey…. do not be late, be among the first ones to reach:)) Good luck and stay tuned for the closing! |
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September 2023
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